The Hague

Carnegieplein 5 - gebouw Kleykamp

Bombs on The Hague

Seeing the title of this blog article, many people in The Hague would think I was referring to the bombing of the Bezuidenhout area in March 1945. But they would be wrong. During World War II, the Allies dropped bombs on more than one location in The Hague in their efforts to fight the evils …

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Den Haag Lange Voorhout Pageshuis trapgevels stepped gables

Stepped gables in The Hague

I was born in a house with a stepped gable, a fact I’m immensely proud of. But my birthplace presents a serious complication for a tour guide in The Hague: is was situated in another city! It seems sensible to make this confession. So yes, I’m not a citizen of The Hague by birth. I …

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